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My Documents

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Bank Statement and Patriot Act

#set ($userCompanyId = $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.companyId.toString()) #foreach($i in $item_text.getSiblings()) #set ($companyIds = '') #set ($companyIds = $i.item_companies.getData()) #set ($itemDisplay = false) #set ($prodDisplay = 2) #set ($prodDisplay = $i.item_product_display.getData()) #set ($prod = '|0|') #set ($prod = '|' + $i.item_product.getData() + '|' ) #if ($prod == '|0|' || $prod == '||') #set ($itemDisplay = true) #else #if ($prodDisplay == 2 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod)) #set ($itemDisplay = true) #end #if ($prodDisplay == 1 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod) && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.enrolledProducts.contains($prod)) #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #end #if ($prodDisplay == 0 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod) && !$request.portlet-session.application-attributes.enrolledProducts.contains($prod)) #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #end #end #set ($companyIgnored = true) #set ($companyMatched = false) #if ($itemDisplay) #foreach($companyId in $companyIds.split(",")) #set ($trimmedId = $companyId.trim()) #if ($trimmedId != '') #set ($companyIgnored = false) #set ($companyMatched = ($companyMatched || ($trimmedId == $userCompanyId))) #end #end #end #if ($itemDisplay && ($companyIgnored || $companyMatched))
#end #end
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    #set ($userCompanyId = $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.companyId.toString()) #foreach($b in $banner_image.getSiblings()) #set ($companyIds = '') #set ($companyIds = $b.banner_companies.getData()) #set ($bannerDisplay = false) #set ($prodDisplay = 2) #set ($prodDisplay = $b.banner_product_display.getData()) #set ($prod = '|0|') #set ($prod = '|' + $b.banner_product.getData() + '|' ) #if ($prod == '|0|' || $prod == '||') #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #else #if ($prodDisplay == 2 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod)) #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #end #if ($prodDisplay == 1 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod) && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.enrolledProducts.contains($prod)) #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #end #if ($prodDisplay == 0 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod) && !$request.portlet-session.application-attributes.enrolledProducts.contains($prod)) #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #end #end #set ($companyIgnored = true) #set ($companyMatched = false) #if ($bannerDisplay) #foreach($companyId in $companyIds.split(",")) #set ($trimmedId = $companyId.trim()) #if ($trimmedId != '') #set ($companyIgnored = false) #set ($companyMatched = ($companyMatched || ($trimmedId == $userCompanyId))) #end #end #end #if ($bannerDisplay && ($companyIgnored || $companyMatched))
  • #if ($b.banner_link.getData() != "") #end $b.banner_alt_text.getData() #if ($b.banner_link.getData() != "") #end
  • #end #end
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Cardholder Services will be conducting regular system maintenance between the hours of 10:00PM Central Time on Friday, March 9, 2018 and 3:00AM Central Time on Saturday, March 10, 2018.  Some functionality might be unavailable during this time.  We apologize for any inconvenience.
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Splash screen

#set($currentURL ="$getterUtil.getString($request.attributes.CURRENT_COMPLETE_URL)") #set($onlineRefId = $httpUtil.getParameter($currentURL,"onlineRefId")) #set ($locale.toString().toLowerCase() = $localeUtil.getLanguageId($request).toString())

#if($locale.toString().toLowerCase() =="es_es")


La Tarjeta Prepagada PaychekPLUS! Select® MasterCard® le permite rápido acceso a su dinero. Disfrute de la conveniencia del depósito directo y use su tarjeta para realizar compras, pagar cuentas y gastos diarios. ¡Cualquier persona puede aplicar y no existen cargos asociados por registrarse!  

✔Sin verificación de crédito

✔Sin balance mínimo

✔Sin cargos para:
  • Recibir depósitos directos para agregar fondos a su cuenta de tarjeta

  • Registrarse para recibir Alertas por Mensaje de Texto, Alertas por Correo Electrónico, o ambas

  • Obtenga dinero en efectivo en los cajeros automáticos en la red (solamente en Estados Unidos)

Si tiene preguntas, por favor visite la sección de Preguntas Frecuentes..

Haga clic en “Iniciar” para llenar su solicitud.

 Al marcar esta casilla, yo confirmo que he leído el Acuerdo del Tarjetahabiente de la Tarjeta Prepagada PaychekPLUS! Select® MasterCard® y acepto estos términos y condiciones..



PaychekPLUS! Select® MasterCard® Prepaid Card, allows you quick access to your money. Enjoy the convenience of direct deposit and use your card for shopping, bill pay, and everyday purchases. Anyone can apply, and there are no fees associated with signing up!  


✔ No Credit Check

✔ No Minimum Balance

✔ No Fees to:
  • Set up direct deposit to add funds to your card account

  • Enroll in Text Alerts, Email Alerts, or both

  • Get cash at an in-network ATM (U.S. only)


If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQs in the section below.


Click on “Get Started” below to begin your application.

 By checking this box, I confirm that I read the PaychekPLUS! Select® MasterCard® Prepaid Card Cardholder Agreement and I accept these terms and conditions.

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#foreach($q in $question.getSiblings())
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Logo Overrides_3338342

#set ($keepLooking = true) #set ($userCompanyId = $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.companyId.toString()) #foreach($next in $logo.getSiblings()) #if ($keepLooking) #set ($companyIds = '') #set ($companyIds = $next.logo_companies.getData()) #set ($companyIgnored = true) #set ($companyMatched = false) #foreach($companyId in $companyIds.split(",")) #set ($trimmedId = $companyId.trim()) #if ($trimmedId != '') #set ($companyIgnored = false) #set ($companyMatched = ($companyMatched || ($trimmedId == $userCompanyId))) #end #end #if ($companyIgnored || $companyMatched) #set ($keepLooking = false) #end #end #end