Home1 - paychekplusapply
Web Content Display
My Documents
#foreach($item in $document_link.getSiblings())
- $item.description.getData() #end
Web Content Display
Bank Statement and Patriot Act
#set ($userCompanyId = $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.companyId.toString())
#foreach($i in $item_text.getSiblings())
#set ($companyIds = '')
#set ($companyIds = $i.item_companies.getData())
#set ($itemDisplay = false)
#set ($prodDisplay = 2)
#set ($prodDisplay = $i.item_product_display.getData())
#set ($prod = '|0|')
#set ($prod = '|' + $i.item_product.getData() + '|' )
#if ($prod == '|0|' || $prod == '||')
#set ($itemDisplay = true)
#if ($prodDisplay == 2 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod))
#set ($itemDisplay = true)
#if ($prodDisplay == 1 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod) && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.enrolledProducts.contains($prod))
#set ($bannerDisplay = true)
#if ($prodDisplay == 0 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod) && !$request.portlet-session.application-attributes.enrolledProducts.contains($prod))
#set ($bannerDisplay = true)
#set ($companyIgnored = true)
#set ($companyMatched = false)
#if ($itemDisplay)
#foreach($companyId in $companyIds.split(","))
#set ($trimmedId = $companyId.trim())
#if ($trimmedId != '')
#set ($companyIgnored = false)
#set ($companyMatched = ($companyMatched || ($trimmedId == $userCompanyId)))
#if ($itemDisplay && ($companyIgnored || $companyMatched))
Web Content Display
#set ($userCompanyId = $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.companyId.toString())
#foreach($b in $banner_image.getSiblings())
#set ($companyIds = '')
#set ($companyIds = $b.banner_companies.getData())
#set ($bannerDisplay = false)
#set ($prodDisplay = 2)
#set ($prodDisplay = $b.banner_product_display.getData())
#set ($prod = '|0|')
#set ($prod = '|' + $b.banner_product.getData() + '|' )
#if ($prod == '|0|' || $prod == '||')
#set ($bannerDisplay = true)
#if ($prodDisplay == 2 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod))
#set ($bannerDisplay = true)
#if ($prodDisplay == 1 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod) && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.enrolledProducts.contains($prod))
#set ($bannerDisplay = true)
#if ($prodDisplay == 0 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod) && !$request.portlet-session.application-attributes.enrolledProducts.contains($prod))
#set ($bannerDisplay = true)
#set ($companyIgnored = true)
#set ($companyMatched = false)
#if ($bannerDisplay)
#foreach($companyId in $companyIds.split(","))
#set ($trimmedId = $companyId.trim())
#if ($trimmedId != '')
#set ($companyIgnored = false)
#set ($companyMatched = ($companyMatched || ($trimmedId == $userCompanyId)))
#if ($bannerDisplay && ($companyIgnored || $companyMatched))
#if ($b.banner_link.getData() != "")
#if ($b.banner_link.getData() != "") #end
Web Content Display
Cardholder Services will be conducting regular system maintenance between the hours of 10:00PM Central Time on Friday, March 9, 2018 and 3:00AM Central Time on Saturday, March 10, 2018. Some functionality might be unavailable during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Web Content Display
Splash screen
#set($currentURL ="$getterUtil.getString($request.attributes.CURRENT_COMPLETE_URL)")
#set($onlineRefId = $httpUtil.getParameter($currentURL,"onlineRefId"))
#set ($locale.toString().toLowerCase() = $localeUtil.getLanguageId($request).toString())
#if($locale.toString().toLowerCase() =="es_es")
Web Content Display
#foreach($q in $question.getSiblings())
Web Content Display
Logo Overrides_3338342
#set ($keepLooking = true)
#set ($userCompanyId = $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.companyId.toString())
#foreach($next in $logo.getSiblings())
#if ($keepLooking)
#set ($companyIds = '')
#set ($companyIds = $next.logo_companies.getData())
#set ($companyIgnored = true)
#set ($companyMatched = false)
#foreach($companyId in $companyIds.split(","))
#set ($trimmedId = $companyId.trim())
#if ($trimmedId != '')
#set ($companyIgnored = false)
#set ($companyMatched = ($companyMatched || ($trimmedId == $userCompanyId)))
#if ($companyIgnored || $companyMatched)
#set ($keepLooking = false)